1. delicious snack
2. new things from New Look (Love u <3)
3.Mirna and I
4. candy time
5.coffe, macarons and fashion book time (and beautiful bracelet - gift from my loved friend Marina)
6. my georgius girls (Marina nad Mirna)
7. smothing from shs
8. my muffin bracelet
My outfit: shirt - h&m, skirt -shs, boots - no brand, bracelets - stradivarius and h&m,
bag - gift from Mirna
Photos: Kristijan Kro
Beautiful moments with friends, drinking coffee after work and sweet snacks approached the end of the week! This week I used every moment to read and relax. There is still a little difficult getting used to the fact that my vacation is over and that my notebook is full of duty.
Just when I thought that I will fall into standard depression and I have nothing to wear moment, this turquoise skirt saved the day. A smile is on my face stille now when I look at these pictures. The fact is that small things are turning the world around!! ! Oh, lucky me!
Just when I thought that I will fall into standard depression and I have nothing to wear moment, this turquoise skirt saved the day. A smile is on my face stille now when I look at these pictures. The fact is that small things are turning the world around!! ! Oh, lucky me!
Kisses, Manuela
suknja je predobra! sviđa mi se outfit :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOutfit odličan, obožavam traper košulje!!! a muffin bracelet je <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiajme kako ti je slatka ona narukvica s muffinima *.*
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper su slike, nekako vesele.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAaaaa ova mint suknjica je pre pre predivna!!! :)
Muffin narukvica, teksas košulja, čizme i torba... <3
OdgovoriIzbrišijoj zaljubila sam s eu te cizmice super su!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJao torba je sjajna! Iako ne volim nešto prejerano animal print moram priznati da je sjajna i da bih je rado nosila :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper su fotke! I divna, divna teksas košulja!<3
OdgovoriIzbrišiSviđa mi se sadržaj na tanjiru :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiTeksas košulja je baš dobra, baš baš <3
Super kombinacija teksas kosuljice i diiivne tirkizne suknjicice :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper slike!
OdgovoriIzbrišipreslatka suknja u inspirativno-zelenoj <3