nedjelja, 27. studenoga 2011.

“Enchanted Doll” by Marina Bychkova

What happened when the six-year old Marina Bychkova realized that dolls that se receives as gift are average quality  and beauty? She began creating her dolls which reflected her imagination about the canon of female beauty and made beautiful dolls that act is absolutely unreal! I was absolutely fascinated, and more about her passion you can find out here

Što se desilo kada je šestogodišnja Marina Bychkova shvatila da lutke koje dobiva na dar su prosječne kvalitete izrade i prosječne estetike? Započela je stvarati svoje lutke u kojima je odražavala svu svoju maštu o kanonu ženske ljepote i dobila predivne lutke koje djeluju apsolutno nestvarno! Mene su apsolutno očarale, a više o njenoj strasti možete doznati ovdje gore na linku. 

Love it! DO you? 

Kiss, Manuela :*

petak, 25. studenoga 2011.

time for a trip around the world

Nearing the time when many will go on a trip, the destinations that are desirable, it is necessary to enjoy the best outfit that simply characterize these cities! These are my choices of clothing items and ideas for travelers!

Bliži se vrijeme kada će mnogi krenuti na neko putovanje, na destinacije koje su  poželjne, potrebno je  uživati u najboljim outfitima koji jednostavno karakteriziraju te gradove! Ovo su moji izbori odjevnih predmeta i ideje za putovanja!


What to wear in NEW YORK? 
Excellent coat in some color, fine dress in nude version, black ankle boots, and fine black leather gloves,  red clutch, tight black pants, warm sweaters in gray tones and abstract necklace, do not forget  one ankle boots with lots of straps. 
Take Starbucks coffee, catch a taxi and explore this beautiful city!

outfits by me


What to wear in PARIS?
Silk blouse in colore of gemstones, a wide red knee-length skirt, black ankle boots with gold detail, brown leather pants, high riding boots, cape, handbag and gloves in caramel colours.
Make sure you drink cappuccino and eat korasan in a nice coffee shop before visiting Louvre!

outfit ideas by me


What to wear in STOCKHOLM? 
Interesting pattern blouse, leather skirt to the knee, black high-heeled boots, a unique bracelet, a yellow scarf, a large green bag, cape and ankle boots at a very high heels.

Outfet ideas by me

Hope your like this ideas! What would you like to wear there? 

LOVE ALL, Manuela