četvrtak, 30. svibnja 2013.

Bowie and I (lazy rainy day)

My outfit: t-shirt - Pull&Bear, pants - amisu, bracelets - thanks to Ma Rina, big silver -vintage, rings - hand made, gift from Thailand

A perfect day to relax ... right on the announced forecast - rain. I used it exactly as I planned, with Bowie on the couch with books and fashion magazines, in addition with cookies and a large cup of my favorite coffee!

One of my favorite fashion books that I own at the moment: CHANEL Intimate that I got from my dear friend Katarina! I hope that you enjoy at your favorite ways today! :)

Savršen dan za ljenčarenje...vrijeme točno po najavljenoj prognozi - KIŠA. Iskrostila sam ga upravo onako kako sam i planirala, na kauču sa Bowiem uz knjige i modne časopise, sa dodatkom kolačića i veliku šalicu omiljene kave! 
Jedna od mojih najdražim modnih knjiga koju posjedujem trenutno: INTIMATE CHANEL koju mi je poklonila moja draga prijateljica Katarina! Nadam se da vi uživate na svoje omiljene načine danas! :)

KISSES, Manuela

ponedjeljak, 27. svibnja 2013.

After rain (outfit post)

My outfit: 
coat - second hand
sweater, jeans & ankle boots - thanks to New Look
hat - eBay
bag - Primark

Photos: Kristijan Kro

Rainy and cold sunday in Osijek!  As the spring simply disappeared for a few days!
 In fact I`m not sorry, but only because I could wear this coat. Lucky me! 
The city was half empty ... and I was in a good mood! 
What more could I ask for, except chocolate?

KISSES, Manuela 

subota, 25. svibnja 2013.

So many moments (in life pictures)

Catching a perfect cloud
Breakfast time for me
My sweet friend Marina! <3
Me and my friends...Vlatka, Anthony and Marina on Zona45 in Zagreb
Beautiful Little Wonder necklaces <3
Herman.Design  bag and my Good Food juice
Featured in Vecernji list
With my beautiful blogger friend Matea (GypsyGardens)

My in: parka - zara, blouse - design by me (Fashion Disorder atelier), 
pants - no brand, necklace - CHIC ART jewelry by Vlatka
sandals - Stradivarius

My sweet friend Sabina taking a picture of Matea and me
Zagreb at night
Breakfast time before work
At work in my atelier <3
Love my new Ma Rina bracelets! Thank you darling!
food shopping
My dear friend Maja from JET LAG and I
My train time with fashion magazine, candy and juice
My fresh healthy orange and carrot juice, and my Blond and Blondish bracelets
My in the city lights
Chill out time
Somethin sweet at work

Hope u like it! <3 

utorak, 21. svibnja 2013.

I`m a big, big girl in a big, big world (outfit post)

Photos by Anthony Avangard
My outfit: 
t shirt & sunglasses - New Look
skirt - vintage 
bag - Nohaa
shoes - Stradivarius
Bracelets - Blond and Blondish

Hi darlins! 
This is one of my outfits from  Regional Fashion Fair Zona45! :) Day was perfect...sunny and fun...Anthony and I have hunting trams for pictures and having so much fun! He is so cute like The Little Prince. You can check my pictures on his blog here: One-Minute-Sculpture
P.S. I`m so in love with Nohaa bags...you can check them on this facebook link! :) <3 
Soon...more pictures form Zona45! :) KISSES from me babes! :) 