My outfit: t-shirt - Pull&Bear, pants - amisu, bracelets - thanks to Ma Rina, big silver -vintage, rings - hand made, gift from Thailand
A perfect day to relax ... right on the announced forecast - rain. I used it exactly as I planned, with Bowie on the couch with books and fashion magazines, in addition with cookies and a large cup of my favorite coffee!
One of my favorite fashion books that I own at the moment: CHANEL Intimate that I got from my dear friend Katarina! I hope that you enjoy at your favorite ways today! :)
One of my favorite fashion books that I own at the moment: CHANEL Intimate that I got from my dear friend Katarina! I hope that you enjoy at your favorite ways today! :)
Savršen dan za ljenčarenje...vrijeme točno po najavljenoj prognozi - KIŠA. Iskrostila sam ga upravo onako kako sam i planirala, na kauču sa Bowiem uz knjige i modne časopise, sa dodatkom kolačića i veliku šalicu omiljene kave!
Jedna od mojih najdražim modnih knjiga koju posjedujem trenutno: INTIMATE CHANEL koju mi je poklonila moja draga prijateljica Katarina! Nadam se da vi uživate na svoje omiljene načine danas! :)
KISSES, Manuela