nedjelja, 30. rujna 2012.

Goodbye Summer! (recap...)

I spent a glorious summer: hanging out with friends, traveling, concerts, good jobs and recorded moments that I share with you! My favorite season is behind me ... I know this becouse of  cold  I have and the boots that I wear more often these days. Mother Nature has decided it was time for tea and autumn leaves. What can I do about it? Nothing, except counting the days until next summer.

Kisses, Manuela 

utorak, 25. rujna 2012.

And she`s gone...

My outfit: cardigan - second hand, ankle boots - New Look, bag - ebay, shorts - Levi`s +DIY, belt - stradivarius, tank - topshop, hat - new yorker
Photos: Kristijan Kro

1. Book, coffee & cake for chill time
2. home made Cheeseburger
3. my baby dog - Bowie 

This fall I`m not asking too much - good boots, a cardigan and beloved hats.

"Whenever you wear your hat, your day will be special."  Margo Nickel

Hope u like it! 
KISSES, Manuela 

nedjelja, 23. rujna 2012.

Be my companion for a walk (outfit post)

My outfit: blazer - stradivarius, necklace&bag - ebay, t-shirt- topshop, pants - second hand, ankle boots - new yorker
Pictures: Kristijan Kro

I don`t even want to accept the fact that summer is over. The thought of it drives me crazy. I`ll accept it sooner or later somehow. I just need more time. Although I love the smell of roasted chestnuts and the rustling of leaves ... but I think that  fall should wait a little more outside the door.
Details from summer wardrobe extend summer ... lightweight summer pants and shirt that I adore. And there is he ... Bowie ... my puppy ... because of him every day is like summer. <3 

Love u all, Manuela

petak, 21. rujna 2012.

Darivanje na blogu - HyMy by Petra

Drage moje dame, moja draga Petra kao uvertiru u jesen daruje vas broševima iz svoje najnovije kolekcije, a sve što Petra radi možete vidjeti i na njenoj facebook stranici: HyMy byPetra.
Tri sretnice koje će odabrati, dobit će jedan od ovih predivnih borševa na dar! 
Slijedite pravila, vrlo su jednostavna!
Uskoro ćete moći i vidjeti fotografije sa jesenskog foto sessiona koji Petra i ja radimo sljedeći tjedan!

Darivat će se upravo ovim redom kako su i postavljeni u ovom postu! 


1.Pratite Petrin rad na njenoj facebook stranici: HyMy by Petra

2. Pratite me preko GFCa (google account-a/ nalazi se na mom blogu s desne strane na alatnoj traci Sljedbenici) 

3. Napišite u komentarima svoju mail adresu i ime pod kojim me pratite preko google accounta! 

4. U nagradi mogu sudjelovati svi sa područja Hrvatske.

5.Igrat ćemo se do 27.09.2012. do 22 sata, a će odabrati pobjednicu! 


Vaša Manuela

četvrtak, 20. rujna 2012.

Next to me (moments in life)

postcards from my trip, reminding me that I have to cherish the moments
in my closet
 you know that moment when you realize that your eyes are fixed on something you just can not resist!
I know!
 I present to you my new coat in animal print. I found it in a second hand, unworn and in my size! 
 It must be a destiny!
from New Look 

and NEW ankle boots gift from my beautiful frined Marina 
She knows how much I want to go to 
 Thank u darling so much!

BREAKFAST time; for me today fresh figs with cereals and sweet cream

for me 

SOMETHING for my new DIY project 
(post about it SOON) 

End of the day is best to finish with homemade muffins and coffee with my friend Mirna! I don`t count the calories! It's so boring! You need to enjoy life! You only got this one! 

 Hope u like this post!
LOVE U ALL, Manuela